Experience Jewish Holidays with Chabad
- High Holidays - Rosh Hashana - Yom Kippur - Sukkot
Chabad organizes Kids program before the High Holidays to discover all about our special traditions. Learn on how to start the Jewish New year?!
Services in Synagogue, Dinners and much more is orgnized as well.
- Chanukah - Kids program for all ages, Concert, Menorah Lighting, Visiting families and companies.
- Tu B'shvat - New year for trees. Kids program around the Shivat Haminim -7 spieces. Discovering about our Holy Land - Israel and knowing why those fruits are so special. Chabad organizes a fruit buffet and fun night for adults.
- Purim - This holiday will not only be a time for children to dress up but for adults as well! Accomplishing the 4 mitsvot of Purim. Exchanging Mishloach Manot - Dinner (Mishtei) - Giving Charity (Matanot Laevyonim) - Megilah (Hearing the story of Purim). Here, in Nigeria we like to have a Purim Party Theme. Last year, the theme was : Under the sea. This year, let's travel around the world.
- Pesach - This is a special time of recognizing freedom! The children will learn and experience the story of our ancestors. They will be able to bake their own Matzah in a Matzah Bakery workshop. Chabad of Nigeria sends Matzot around Nigeria. The two Seder are organized in a warm and family style of Dinner.
- Shavuot. So many things to learn from the special giving of the Torah. Clebrated around a special dairy buffet. Reading of the 10 commandements. Special gifts for the children!
- If you need anything -holiday related- let us know!